The ILM Level 3 Certificate in Leadership & Management Skills
has been designed to develop the leadership and management
skills of practicing or aspiring first line managers. For the
mandatory units, candidates are taken through problem solving
and decision making techniques, explore leadership styles, and
finally candidates look at motivating and developing teams.
To earn the ILM Level 3 Certificate in Leadership & Management,
candidates must pass 13 credits.
Target Audience
Practicing or aspiring first line managers who wish to develop
leadership and management skills.
There are no formal entry requirements but participants will
normally be either practicing or aspiring first line managers
with the opportunity to meet the assessment demands and have a
background that will enable them to benefit from the program.
International Curriculum
Validated by the Institute of Leadership & Management (ILM).
About ILM
The Institute of Leadership and Management is Europe's leading
awarding body for leadership and management qualifications. More
people in the UK gain leadership and management qualifications
with ILM than from all other awarding bodies in the UK combined.
ILM qualifications bring about practical benefits because they
focus on improvement – improvement of leaders and managers in
their roles, improvement in the teams they lead and in the
products and services they provide, and improvements in
organizations and the way they operate.
*Please note: ILM Vocationally Related Qualifications (VRQs) are
part of the Qualifications and Credit Framework applicable in
England, Wales and Northern Ireland, providing successful
candidates with transferable qualification credit.
Track Contents: (minimum 13 credits required)
Time, Stress, Conflict Management
Business Communication Track
Leadership Track